Suppressor Approvals in 18 Hours !?

It's a dream come true for Class 3 / NFA item owners with the latest approval turnaround times for suppressors (or more commonly known as silencers) in as quick as 18 HOURS using our advanced digital fingerprinting and electronic application process!*
On average, it's been about 1 week when applying both as an individual or with a trust. This is warp speed compared to the year or more wait that has been the norm until now!
Have you hesitated on buying a suppressor due to the long wait times in the past? There's no telling how long this improved efficiency will last, so come on in and get your suppressors and short barrel rifles/shotguns now.
Nexus is stocked with the latest and greatest suppressors from Silencerco, Sig Sauer, Dead Air Armament, HUXWRX, FN, Gemtech, and Rugged Suppressors.
If you've never purchased a Class 3 / NFA item before, don't worry. It's a lot simpler than you think and we will walk you through every step of the process. It requires some paperwork, fingerprints, and a photo... all of which we can take care of in the store for you! A separate $200 tax stamp fee paid to the ATF is required.
We have short barrel rifles from Daniel Defense and Sig Sauer on hand as well.
*Approval times will vary and are under the control of the ATF. 18 hours is the quickest turnaround time we've received and there is no guarantee that your experience will be the same.
Despite what you may have heard from your neighbor down the street... YES, suppressors are 100% legal for most qualified private citizens to own! In general, if you can own a gun, you can own a suppressor.
These are the requirements to purchase a suppressor from Nexus:
Florida resident
US Citizen or Permanent Resident (green card holdeR)
Legally qualified to buy a gun
Pass a background check
21 years old minimum
Protects your hearing and the hearing of those around you.
improves situational awareness
excellent for hunting situations
allows for clearer communication
Reduces felt recoil and muzzle flip
Improves accuracy
Faster follow up shots
Improved control of the firearm
Decreases muzzle flash
benefits low light shooting situations